You could get a trim like half an inch, every two weeks for a while. You wouldn't really even notice the loss of length, especially if you have long hair. That would eventually get rid of the split ends.
Brushing your hair is good for bringing out the natural oils to moisturize your hair. NEVER brush your hair when it is wet, use a comb or a pick. Brushing it when it is wet only breaks it off.
You can still color and blow dry your hair, although not healthy for your hair, it probably wont't make a major difference once your hair is healthy again. After you color your hair though,(if you do), chill out on it for a couple days and let it air dry.
Get a good shampoo and conditioner from a "beauty shop" and use it for a while. Those really can make a difference in your hair believe it or not.
How can i get rid of split ends with out cutting my hair?
you can't. split ends are split. trim hair.
How can i get rid of split ends with out cutting my hair?
How can i get rid of split ends with out cutting my hair?
pinkstealth is right. the only way to get rid of splits ends is to cut them. you can avoid it though. just make sure that u condition your hair regularly, paying attention to the tips of your hair. oil is good.
How can i get rid of split ends with out cutting my hair?
You have to cut it. Dying, curling, drying, and overprocessing can make it worse. I dyed and highlighted my hair and eventually had to cut 13 inches off. If you color your hair, maybe you shouldn't, because the problem will never go away.
How can i get rid of split ends with out cutting my hair?
You have to trim you hair. You don't need to take a lot off.......just the ends.
How can i get rid of split ends with out cutting my hair?
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