Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair a

I'm now getting super embarrassed at the amount I itch my hair during the day. It is not lice or anything like that. Please - advice, particularly from hair care professionals or healthcare practitioners, is appreciated!

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair and lots of it.

i recommend tea tree shampoo from paul mitchell.. its great for dry itchy scalps when using it it tingles your scalp. its invigorating!! a lot of my clients use this shampoo the feed back that i get from them is that it helps with the dryness of their scalps..the itching is usually caused from the dry scalp..just like dry skin!dry skin is itchy right? if its that severe it could be psoriasis..(it is common) there are also different shampoos at the salon that you can try for your problem...good luck!

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair and lots of it.

try some anti-lice shampoo !

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair and lots of it.

that shampoo for psoriasis or super dry skin, it's sold in the same area as dandruff shampoos

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair and lots of it.

Use shampoo with pine tar once in awhile. It smells horrible, just to warn you, but it helps with the itching. This might sound weird, but my dog was always really itchy and the vet recommended that I buy the shampoo with pine tar for him. She said it works as well for dogs as it does humans, and it helped him!

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair and lots of it.

Yes, what ever you are using will not be enough, unless you take care about the weather change, you should keep the temperature of your head the same at all times, also when you take a shower keep the water warm and not hot or cold after a week you will have a good change for the better.

My head is incredibly itchy. Dandruff shampoo isn't cutting it. I have thick thick curly hair and lots of it.

How do you know it's not lice? Have you had someone look for the eggs in your hair? Try these suggestions...

See a Dermatologist. The can prescribe the best shampoo for you.

Allergies can cause the itchy head. I had that happen to me. I was allergic to certain alkaline in the shampoo. I was allergic to Sauve products even the lotion.

Natural Stores like Henry's or Trader Joe's.

They offer chemical free shampoos.

I have a homemade remedy for your itchy scalp. You can mix white vinegar with some water and pour in onto your hair and massage it through. If it burns which it will than you don't have lice. When I was young and I am 46 my mom use to place that mixture in my hair cause they didn't have Rid Shampoo for lice. The vinegar/water solution will also determine the location of the area where you itch the most.

Mites can cause itchy scalp. A dirty soiled pillow can attract bed mites. That's why I suggest the water/vinegar cause it will kill any mites or lice from your hair. It kills the eggs.

Dust in the air can cause your scalp to become itchy.

This is why I suggest a Dermatologist.

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